Grb Beograda - studija slučaja i predlog rešenja
Danas je postalo regularno da se redizajniraju zastareli identiteti gradova, opština, regiona i država, jer to pomaže boljem povezivanju građana sa identitetima, državnim organima i administracijama, i razumevanju simbolike obeležja, sa prostijim i bolje definisanim dizajnom. Trenutno grbovi u Srbiji imaju previše elemenata i detalja, kiča, promašenih i neprikladnih simbola i slika. Potrebno je redizajnirati grbove da budu u skladu sa savremenim dobom.
The coat of arms of Belgrade - a case study and a proposal for a solution
Today, it has become regular to redesign obsolete identities of cities, municipalities, regions and states, as this helps to better connect citizens with identities, state authorities and administrations, and understand the symbolism of the marks, with a more simple and better defined design. Currently, the coats of arms in Serbia have too many elements and details, kitsch, missed and unsuitable symbols and images. It is necessary to redefine the coats of arms to be in line with the modern age.

Grb Beograda iz 16. veka je jednostavnijeg dizajna, sa jasno definisanim simbolima. Glavni grad Srbije je poznat po svojim simbolima kao što su Beogradska tvrđava Kalemegdan i dve reke Sava i Dunav. Zadržavajući tradicionalne heraldičke simbole, novi grb Beograda dobija moderni i prepoznatljiviji dizajn.
Belgrade's 16th century coat of arms is a simpler design, with clearly defined symbols. The capital of Serbia is famous for its symbols such as the Belgrade fortress Kalemegdan and the two rivers Sava and the Danube. Holding traditional heraldic symbols, Belgrade's new coat of arms gets a modern and recognizable design.

Grb Beograda je zvanični simbol Grada Beograda i postoji u tri oblika — Osnovni ili Mali, Srednji i Veliki grb. Ne postoji potreba za tolikim brojem grbova i simbola, jer to dovodi do lošeg komuniciranja sa identitetom grada.
The coat of arms of Belgrade is the official symbol of the City of Belgrade and it exists in three forms - Basic or Small, Middle and Great coats of arms. There is no need for so many coats of arms and symbols, as this leads to poor communication with the identity of the city.

Trenutni manji grb ima previše detalja, kontura i drečavih boja, što ga čini komplikovanim za upotrebu. Ilustracija broda je veoma loša, i nepotrebna, jer su tvrđava i dve reke najvažniji simboli. Krvava boja reka je previše negativna asocijacija.
The current smaller coat of arms has too many details, contours and loud colors, which makes it complicated for usage. The illustration of the boat is very bad, and unnecessary, because the fortress and two rivers are the most important symbols. Bloody color of the river is too negative association.

Tipografija ne pripada stilski trenutnom grbu Beograda, i ima nepotrebne elemente kao što su crvena linija i bela kontura. Novo pismo sadrži duh starog doba, sa grubim serifima koji asociraju na bedeme tvrđave.
The typography doesn't belong to the style of the current coat of arms of Belgrade, and has unnecessary elements such as the red line and the white contour. The new font contains the spirit of the old era, with rough slab serifs that associate with the walls of the fortress.

Ovaj veliki grad bio je, izgleda, oduvek ovakav: istrgan, prosut, upravo kao da nikad ne postoji, nego večno nastaje, dograđuje se i oporavlja. S jednog kraja niče i raste, a sa drugog vene i propada. Uvek se kreće i talasa, nikad ne miruje i ne zna šta je spokoj i tišina. Grad na dve reke, na velikom prostoru sapet vetrovima. — Ivo Andrić
This grand city seems to have always been like this: torn and split, as if it never exists but is perpetually being created, built upon and recovered. On one side it waxes and grows, on the other it wanes and deteriorates. Ever in motion and rustle, never calm and never knowing tranquility or quiet. The city upon two rivers, on the grand clearing, bound by the winds.
— Ivo Andrić

Sva prava zadržava / All rights reserved 2017 © Vladan Pavlović
Svaka zloupotreba je kažnjiva. Za korišćenje slika i teksta je potrebna dozvola autora. - creativecommons.org
Grbovi grada Beograda su za edukativnu svrhu preuzeti sa wikipedije,
sa licencama: mali grb - CC BY-SA 3.0, i Srednji i Veliki grb su javno vlasništvo.